Codecs have always been a big problem for the computer users. That's because there has never been a 100% viable working solution available for the average computer user. There are several good codec package solutions out there, but none of them did everything i wanted. I was always in need of a tweak, adjustment, or even a reinstallation just to get the codecs I needed/wanted and most of the time, the file still didn't play. I've never claimed to be a media guru. My media experience is to doubleclick a file i downloaded and hope that it plays. What I do know is how to package software. So I decided to package some codecs and share them with the rest of the world. With this package all possible conflicts are already dealt with. Many user suggested default settings are implemented.
Vista Codec Package v5.3.7 Final
- add CoreAVC H264 support
- update gabests splitters
- update Audio TAB controls
- update AC3Filter 1.63b
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